Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q Why should I attend the Parent Council meetings? What's in it for me?
A Parent Council meetings are your opportunity to have your opinions heard by the principal and school staff as well as other parents who may also feel the same as you. This meeting is a good place for sharing information between the school principal and parents on all aspects of your child's education and time at Valleyfield. It is also a chance for you to gain a greater understanding of the programmes and activities the school is undertaking.
Q I don't have time to volunteer in the school. May I still attend council meetings.
A Yes! You will not be pressured to volunteer your time just because you attend the council meetings.
Q I won't be able to commit to attending every Parent Council meeting. Would it be disruptive if I can only attend one or two meetings?
A Come to as many meetings as you are able. You're always welcome to attend. Minutes of each of our meetings are sent out to all council members.

Q How many Parent Council meetings do you have in a year, anyway?
A By Ministry of Education policy, school councils must meet at least four times a year. For the 2008-2009 school year, the Parent Council met about six times.

Q What does the Parent Council do?
A Parent council has the responsibility of creating a Principal profile for the school each year. In September and April, school council reviews projected enrolment and staffing allocations and gives input into possible class models Many parent council members are also actively involved in:
  • the hot lunch program
  • fundraising efforts (eg. community garage sale)
  • annual fun events (skate night, teacher appreciation luncheon)

Q Previously, you've held quite a few fundraisers throughout the year. As a parent, am I expected to contribute to every one of them?
A You are under no obligation to participate or contribute to every fundraiser. Pick the ones that speak to you.

Q Do you have to have a child in the school to contribute to the fundraiser?
A Anyone who wants to is welcome to contribute to our fundraising, including extended family and friends. However, we ask that children do NOT go door-to-door soliciting funds for the school.

Q What are the funds raised, used for?
A Funds raised are put towards the school's healthy snack program, as well as educational performances and assemblies.

Q I want to help with everything. Is that OK?
A Absolutely! Can't wait to meet you!

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