Parent Resource Library
- Ms Lewis has obtained some books to start us off (bullying, divorce, depression etc)
- other suggestions include nutrition (focus on lunches), homework help, fostering self-esteem
- other ideas welcome, can be communicated through the office
Community Garage Sale
- cancelled (calculated that costs (staff, insurance) would eat up majority of profits, based on last year's data)
Arts Night (May 6th)
- will be selling pizza and chocolate bars
- require volunteers to arrive a little early help set-up and sell (live performances will start AFTER the selling is scheduled to end)
PRO Grant ideas for next year
- previously done workshops (last year), parent library (this year)
- considering idea of "parent and child" night(s) (could include sports, gamming, drumming) to increase community engagement with the school
- considering additional workshops for parents / kids also
- this year, Friday lunches raised the most money
- also did QSP (magazines), chocolate, dance-a-thon
- monies raised went to snack program, Silver Birch reading program, dance lessons, grade 5/6 graduation, pioneer village trip etc
- La Montagne (chocolate supplier) recommend bundling the selling of jewellry ($8-40) and dry cookie / muffin mixes should we do chocolate again
- unsure if will continue with QSP (TDSB concerns)
- fundraisers for next year TBD (for next year's council to decide)
Teacher appreciation Brunch
- Wednesday June 9th
- hosting approximately 35 people
- ideas include samosas, quiche, french toast, halal sausage, home fries, hash brown, baked strata etc
- if you're interesting in helping or contributing, please let the office know
EQAO testing June 2nd to 8th
Graduation (5/6)
- tentatively Friday June 25th, 1-3pm (confirm date and time with office in June)
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