Hello All,
The Valleyfield Parent Council has been hard at work and there are exciting things on the horizon for our students - including a Dance-A-Thon and other opportunities.
Our last meeting was held on January 24, 2014, and our next one is scheduled for February 20, 2014 at 6:15 in the school library. Come out if you can. Remember, all Valleyfield parents are welcome at all meetings.
The minutes of the last meeting are as follows:
A. Welcome & Introductions
8 in
B. Principal’s message/updates
opportunities for students (ie: Boys to Men club, Girls only club & Eco
clubs are ongoing and yearlong)
Yoga club
introduced for grade 2 students
March 4th
is the junior ski trip (grades 4-6). First 45 students to return permission
forms will be allowed to go. If less than 45 forms are returned opportunity may
be open to grade 3 students.
program is beginning with a donation of $500 received and used towards skates,
laces etc…(donation of additional skates are needed for older children grades
dance is being introduced on March 27th, 2014 (students will learn a
variety of dancing styles such as latin, hip hop, country etc..)
semester Report cards will be going home shortly
Library Board Birch and Blue Spruce books are being read by our students.
required for boilers, compressor and computronics (2 boilers were fixed,
compressor maintained and computronics being worked on)
laptops computers were purchases for classrooms, majority of classes have smart boards, 2
classrooms and library remain without smart boards but the goal is to have each
class and the library equipped)
C. Committee Updates
interested in volunteering will fill out form at curriculum night for next
school year to speed up process (ie.. police record check)
(parents need to be aware of few simple steps before volunteering in the
classroom ie: sign up, police record check etc...)
parking authority has been ticketing and towing cars that are blocking bus
foundation will tutor english and math based on current classroom curriculum.
Grants are allocated from TDSB possibly for 2014-2015. Pending approval from
principal, criminal record check, references.
tutor ..Principal is waiting for references
and police record check before getting started
Classroom representative:
Total of
15 parent classroom reps, list compiled of all teachers their grades and room
numbers. Coordinate teachers w/parent rep.
Will go
ahead with dance-a-thon in support of fundraising (possible date April 11th)
possible pizza lunches for jk/sk (tabled for next meeting) and 2 more
volunteers signed up to assist with current pizza lunches
night (possible date March 20th), popcorn and drinks to be sold.
Bake sale
(possible date May 1st)
ideas include sending note home requesting donation of $25 per family
Parent Engagement:
on April 5th for parent council members hosted PIAC model schools.
29th is parent academy planning session for the April 5th
conference hosted by model schools
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