Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Valleyfield Junior School
Minutes of School Council Meeting
October 20, 2016

The meeting started at 6:10 p.m. with greetings from the Chair, Jason Martin and introductions.
Jason advised that Council is looking for a parent volunteer to fill the treasurer position on council.
The Agenda for the meeting was distributed.

Principal’s Report
Michelle Drimmie Miller reported that the teachers have had a staff planning meeting to develop the School Improvement Plan. They discussed a great deal of data on student achievement at Valleyfield including EQAO results for Grade 3 and 6.  The teachers will be implementing a plan focused on achievement in math, well-being and equity.
Michelle advised that she did not receive a response from any parents requiring a ride to the council meeting tonight.  She suggested using taxis instead of buses as the cost would be lower and the taxis more efficient.
Michelle shared that many class trips are in the planning stages and the JK/SK classes are taking a trip to Downey’s Farm this week.  Other classes will travel to the ROM and the Science Centre.
Michelle discussed a partnership the school has developed with the police services and the Somali Neighbourhood Network to enrich the after school hours of the children. Through this the school is able to offer 8 week after school multi-sport camps for Junior and then Primary children.  Later there will be a Make and Take Club to teach wood working to children.
Eco Team is up and running.
On October 21, there will be a bus safety presentation for the students.  Also Richview Library will be onsite to talk to children about programs at the library.
Family Math Night letter went home this week.  It is on Monday, October 24.  There will also be active Math Games during the day for each class to participate in.
Michelle advised that several children applied to be School Ambassadors and those children have now been selected.  They were trained last week in the “PALS” program, where they will be running outdoor games at recess, once a week and will be role models for positive play.  This group will take on most of the school leadership activities.
Public Health will be conducting a free workshop for parents on November 16 and 30 for a program for parents called “Kids have stress too”.  This is offered at the Richview Library and parents are to sign up at the school.
Trevor Brown a retired math consultant will be at the school on November 23 to teach parents how to help their children succeed at math.
Michelle has asked if council will consider designating some funds to the purchase of new outdoor play equipment, books to support our Forrest of reading Club and indoor games for the Rain Day Bin for each class and a play equipment kit which assists the PALs leaders.
Michelle also advised that Madame Bruce has been off due to illness for several weeks so she has had to apply for a temporary contract person to cover the Grade 5 French Immersion class.
Michelle has asked that parents please pass on the message that when they receive a telephone call from the new call system at school, to please listen to the message and not call the school.  The school secretary is being overwhelmed with calls that were not necessary.  Please listen to the message first, and then call if you have any questions.

Teacher Report
Ms Vasilaros reported that she has held auditions for the annual talent show.  The talent show will be some time in December during the day.  Kids in Grades 1 to 6 are welcome to audition; there will be more auditions next week.
Ms Vasilaros also advised that the Grade 4&5 classes will be visiting the Science Centre on November 9 and the ROM in January. 

Committee Reports
The Dance A Thorn is scheduled for February 24.
Parent Council By-Laws
Jason advised that by-laws have been drafted and he wants council to review them at the meeting in January.
Council Sub-Committees
Jason is looking for volunteers to assist Safia with Parent Engagement.  He needs suggestion on how to engage parents to attend school gatherings.  Michelle suggested having a parent representative for each class that would network with the parents to pass on information.
Jason has been working with volunteers to help with safe boarding of buses at the Islington bus stop.  There will be a training session on Friday morning with the assistance of public health to help parents monitor the children getting on and off the bus in a safe fashion.  Jason wants all parents at the bus stops to be vigilant with safety for all children, not just their own.
Michelle reported that the busing situation is getting a little better, however the Dixington bus is still arriving late.  She is working with the bus companies and the Board to get service improved.
Model Schools Report
Safia Ahmed introduced herself as the new rep for Model Schools at Valleyfield. Safia advised that her role is parent engagement.  She helps parents navigate the school system.  She passed out information on community training sessions coming up in the next few weeks.
Safia has received a few questionnaires back from parents and has compiled them with the results.  This will help her with programming at Valleyfield.

Open Discussion
One parent asked what the daily snacked consisted of.  Michelle advised that it is always three food groups: dairy, grain and fruit/veggies.  A sample snack may be white milk, crackers and red peppers.  The fruits and vegetables are always fresh.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:12 pm.
Next meeting date:
Thursday, January 26 at 6 p.m.

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