Principal's comments
- a draw for a bicycle will be held for students in classrooms that have had NO students arriving late in April and May (winning students must also have no lates during that time)
- an additional draw for tickets to a Blue Jays game will be made for 10 students with no lates
- Dance-a-thon: raised approximately $900
- Chocolate sales: raised approximately $400 (there are another 400+ bars to be sold, will sell at bake sale on Arts Night)
- T-shirts: raised approximately $500
- Lunches: raised approximately $1300
Uses for raised funds
- electronics to enhance DPA experience (example: iPod, Wii)
- yard games for outdoor play at recess (part of the Toronto Schools on the Move initiative)
Next year, fundraising will be restricted to healthy choices (no chocolate sales). We will not be able to send things home to sell, without a parent’s consent.
Parent Reaching Out (PRO) Grant
- last year we applied for a grant to bring speakers into the school (communication and discipline)
- two years ago we applied for funding for the Parent Resource Library
- ideas for this year's grant
- expanding the Parent Resource Library (with a focus on "We Both Read" books that are designed for a parent and child to take turns reading)
- another "Healthy Eating" lecture (combined with fun activities for the children while the parents are learning)
- bringing in Ron Morrish to speak about disciplining children
- what parents need to know about children and social media / technology / pop culture messages
- building some type of teacher / tutor / homework club connection
- by vote this year's grant will be tentatively targeted at a parent drop-in homework resource with a second choice of bringing Ron Morrish in to speak
- Discipline: May 17th at 9:30am
- Communication: May 26th at 6:30pm
- Tuesday June 14th
- everyone welcome to bring or send in a contribution for the lunch (like a salad, main course or a dessert)
- contact Jacqueline or the office for more information
Scholastic Book Fair
- first week in May
- Thurday May 5
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