PRO Grant:
- The Parents Reaching Out Grant is available to schools to provide a service of value to the parents in the school community. The grant is up to $1000.
- The review for this year's implementation of the PRO Grant (Ron Morrish speaking on discipline) is due soon.
- Previously, Valleyfield has applied for the grant and used the monies for the creation of a lending library and inviting speakers in for topics like bullying and discipline (this year's topic).
- This year's grant application (monies to be received next year) will be for the internet safety topic and council will move forward with this idea.
Lunch program:
- Will create a survey, to be distributed this school year, to find out community thoughts on variety and pricing of hot lunch options. (Data to be used towards creating next year's menu.)
Principal's update:
"Scout About":
- Scouts Canada offers an in-school or after-school program for boys and girls (25-30 kids / session)
- Each session consists of weekly meetings (1 hour long) for 3 months.
- They run gym or outdoor activities (such as games and crafting).
- They also offer day camp in June.
- They will offer after-school sessions at Valleyfield starting in October of the next school year.
- If the program is successful, they would consider running up to 3 consecutive sessions.
- Cost to our students is $25 /student (normally cost is $50 / student). Thank you Scouts About for subsidizing the costs for our children!
- No uniforms requied, no weekly dues.
- At end of school year (June 2013), participants are eligible to participate at a one day outdoor camp at a cost of $3 per chld.
Staffing for 2012-2013 school year:
- The number of teachers the school is allowed to have, is based on attendance records for the first week of school.
- If you are going on vacation this summer, please do your very best to have your children at school during the first week so we can "prove" we need the right number of teachers. Otherwise our class sizes may grow very large.
SNAP - Stop now and plan.
- A program designed to decrease antisocial behaviour and decrease bullying.
- Also designed to increase social behaviour.
- 12 week program (45 minute sessions)
- Will investigate costs and consider finding a way to share knowledge withing the school.
Graduating class:
- Parent council will contribute funds toward the graduating class celebratory trip.
Spring Musical (June 21st):
- This spring the school will be presenting a musical instead of the usual concert.
- Ms. Grant is co-ordinating.
- All the children in the school will be involved.
- Parent Council will organize food service prior to the concert. (Like skate night, pizza and water will be available for pre-order)
- Two tickets will be available to every Valleyfield family. Depending on demand, more tickets may be available on a first come, first served basis.
Parking lot for next year: (topics that next year's council may wish to discuss)
- providing some type of self-defense course for students
Next meeting: TBD
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