Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 25th: Meeting highlights

Skate Night debrief:
  • Skate night was a huge success!
  • For children borrowing helmets, recommend trying the smallest helmet on the child first and then only trying larger helmets if the size is too small.  (Some children borrowed helmets that were too large for them.)
  • Some of the helmets are labelled with the wrong size, volunteers will relabel.
  • As a safety issue, children and adults without skates should not be allowed on the ice (someone with skates on could easily run over a foot causing an injury.
  • Mme. Bruce is overseeing the reorganization of the skates.
  • Mme. Bangma is investigating the possibility of getting newer skates for the school.
Scout Camp:
  • Scouts Canada offers an in-school program for boys and girls (25-30 kids / session)
  • They run gym or outdoor activities (such as games and crafting).
  • They also offer day camp in June.
  • Will consider for next school year.
Spring Musical (June 21st):
  • This spring the school will be presenting a musical instead of the usual concert.
  • Ms. Grant is co-ordinating.
  • All the children in the school will be involved.
  • Parent Council will organize food service prior to the concert. (Like skate night, pizza will be available for pre-order)
PRO Grant:
  • The Parents Reaching Out Grant is available to schools to provide a service of value to the parents in the school community.  The grant is up to $1000.
  • The review for this year's implementation of the PRO Grant (Ron Morrish speaking on discipline) is due soon.
  • Previously, Valleyfield has applied for the grant and used the monies for the creation of a lending library and inviting speakers in for topics like bullying and discipline (this year's topic).
  • A CPR course is too expensive to be covered by this grant.
  • Ideas for grant application (due soon) for next year include: job fair, how to do your taxes, community agency day, social networking overview, internet safety.
  • Great interest was shown for the internet safety topic and council will move forward with this idea.
  • The Dance-A-Thon raised $2100
  • The graduating classes raised an additional $900 for their class trip via QSP magazine sales.
  • Next school year (Fall 2012), consider another chocolate fundraiser.
Principal's update:
  • Mrs. Black reviewed the staffing allocation model for next year.
Next meeting:  TBD

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