- Kickoff Tuesday January 31st in the morning
- Actual Dance-A-Thon: Thursday February 16th (parent volunteers welcome!)
Ron Morrish:
- Will have a presentation for parents on the evening of Wednesday March 21st
Cluster parent academy (CPAC) (From Zahra)
- Two parents representatives per school (Hazel and Rahima) for a 2 year term (Wila to attend January's)
- meetings once per month
- Teachers request parent volunteers come in a few days prior to the first skating day to help for skate fitting (to match kids to skates)
- Helmets and surgical caps are working well
- Jacqueline to investigate Westin Lions Club for families skate night
- Ms. grant and Miss Malenkovich will take the grade 3s skating this year
Hot lunches
- Planned: soup and bagel. Also macaroni and cheese. (parent volunteers welcome!)
Premier's award
- Teachers are always appreciative. Skip this year's submission.
Principal's update:
- Kindergarten registration February 23rd and possibly February 24th: Ms. Cap could use the help of some parent volunteers
- Please let the office know before February if you know of any children that will be transferring into Valleyfield from another school for kindergarten.
>> In order to have the right number of teachers available to our students next year, it is VERY IMPORTANT that we have a very good idea of who will be attending the school next year! << - There will be a school musical in spring!
- Profits from the parent run hot lunches will go toward subsidizing field trips. (A percentage based on the profits for each class will go back to the class.)
- Family movie night at the school
- T shirt design and sales
Next meeting: Wednesday February 29th. See you there!
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